Boy's in distance love

Disclaimer: This post may or may not be related to my life. I have written this in my view.Hence you can share your comments below. Distance love Love is magical . It give you confidence , makes you to feel you have something also love is unpredictable . Its a God's blessings. Love may come from various sources in many way . In this today I am going to share my experience in distance love. First of all I want to tell Distance love is possible . Love without seeing each other , only text and voice it's best feeling. You can feel he (or) she in your palm in a phone as message or photo. Now let's come to my topic. Boy's in distance love Boys use to sacrifice more during love, they will do anything to make his girl smile. Only boys know how they feel inside. No one knows that boys are really sentimentally weak. Probably boys will fall in love more in beauty but also there are some boys who search for caring heart. There is fact th...